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Lessons and  the Coach's Role

This page is here to teach you about the difference between private, semi-private, and group lessons. This page also contains my expectations for myself as a coach.



Private Lessons

These are 1:1 lessons usually ranging from 10-30 minutes. This is my preferred method to deliver lessons.


My ability to administer private lessons is dependent on how many skaters I have on each session.


Semi-Private Lessons

Semi-privates have a ratio of 1 coach to 2-3 skaters. Skaters in semi-privates are grouped based on common levels for 15-30 minutes.


These lessons are a cost-effective option as billing is split between all skaters in the lesson.


Group Lessons

Group lessons have 4+ skaters to 1 coach. I do not often administer group lessons as I prefer to provide more individual feedback.


Group lessons are beneficial for generalized skating skills, such as stroking or dance. 

Coach's Role

Expectations for Myself

Through my experience as a mentee and a figure skater of many great coaches, I have developed a set of expectations for myself as a coach so that all my skaters and their families know exactly what their experience will be when working with me.


First and foremost, I recognize my place as a role model for young skaters. In this capacity, I share strategies to build perseverance, strong work ethic, and healthy self-esteem. Skaters' mental fitness comes before their physical fitness in my list of priorities. As such, it's my role to assess skaters' state of mind at the beginning of each lesson and address any concerns within my scope of assistance.


In terms of skating elements, it is my responsibility to pass along my knowledge of the sport. This includes sharing specific skill development tips and tricks for skaters to apply to their skating. I also suggest practice strategies and drills for skaters to work on both during their lessons and outside of their lessons during the session. As a coach, I also believe it's my responsibility to provide access to resources for skaters, such as through this website, the Skate Canada Membership site, and my binder that I keep rinkside.


In my role as a coach, I can't land a jump for a skater, or observe them during their entire session. Those elements are a skater's responsibility. I cannot do any more than share wisdom and request that skaters apply it in their own practices.

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